Private anxiety & OCD therapy in Leeds city centre
Most of our clients come to us at a moment of crisis in their lives. The coping strategies they have used for years often break down when something too big to manage alone comes along. And so they come to us for therapy. But the good news is that most of them look back on the crisis that brought them to us as a blessing. Once they have had support from a professional therapist they understand their anxiety and develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them.

What we help with
People come to us for help with:
- Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
- Social Phobia
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Work Anxiety
- Panic Disorder
- Substance Use (including alcohol) to cope with anxiety
- Relationship problems caused by anxiety
- Education Anxiety
- Self Esteem issues

Why trust Leeds Anxiety Clinic with your care?
All of our therapists are BACP registered, clinically supervised and fully insured to carry out private therapy.
We are specialists in Anxiety Treatment. Not only are we great therapists but we also understand the barriers you face and which treatments are proven to improve your condition.
Not sure private treatment is for you? We offer a full money-back guarantee on your consultation fee if you decide not to proceed for any reason.
The Leeds Anxiety Clinic is a private treatment service supporting adults. We operate from a discreet location on Queen Street in Leeds city centre. We use a treatment model known as integrative psychotherapy. This therapy process is a combination that includes the best bits of counselling and cognitive behaviour therapy techniques.
Our location
Our therapy sessions take place at a discreet location on Queen Street in Leeds city centre. Queen Street is located just off Wellington Street and is only a few minutes walk from Leeds station.

Quality standards
All of our therapists are counselling graduates who are members of the BACP. They appear on the BACP register (which you can check using name or registration number). Our therapists have clinical supervision in accordance with BACP guidelines and follow the BACP’s ethical framework. For further information about the governance of the counselling profession in the UK please the BACP’s website. Additionally, some of our management team are members of the British Psychological Society.